JIMMY LEWIS 18 5'9" 175

waist 29.5, chest 40/42

biceps flex to 14, forearm 12,

neck 16, calf 15, thighs 22.5,

hips 37".

Jim is a college student in an

Alabama college.

AMG took the picture, and

offer 3 dime catalogs of Him

in their ZM series.

GLENN BISHOP now 22, 5'9" weighs 170 Has moved to Chicago where is studying to be a Doctor of Chiropractic. Glenn is "working his way through college" by selling his own photos (Latest catalogs 57A and 57B $1 each, 8x10 of this print $1.50 by 1st class sealed mail) (8x10 autographed to your specifications, $2.) Glenn also offers a beautifully designed, modestly priced Bikini swim trunk, and we will

send details on receipt of a selfaddressed, stamped envelope. Write him personally at PO Box 461 Grand Haven Michigan.